Wednesday 2 January 2013


About Pony and Rex...

Who are you?
I’m Ani. I’m a twenty-something  cooking enthusiast who sadly works a regular office job to pay for the cost of my baking habit. I’m a journalism/science grad working in the public service, but I spend my spare time dreaming up and testing out new recipes.

Why Pony and Rex?
Despite being an enthusiast for some time, I’m also an excellent procrastinator – it’s now 2013 and to be honest, all the cool names are taken.

Pony and Rex does have significance to me, however. Ever since I discovered Suri Cruise’s Christmas list, I’ve been (semi-seriously) nagging my partner (Rex) for a pony. No, really. Not because I want one, but because I’m sick of constantly being outdone by a seven-year-old.

So, instead of buying me a pony, Rex bought me my other dream gift – a kitchenaid – which I quickly nicknamed pony and it’s stuck. So without Pony, supplied by Rex – my adoration for cooking and creating wouldn’t have been reinvigorated.

What do you like to cook?
Everything! There’s not much I won’t have a crack at, and trust me – plenty of it turns out terribly. I’m notoriously impatient and I’ve had my fair share of disasters – beef wellington with pastry running everywhere (who has time for the seared meat to cool!), sunken cakes, curdled sauces and custards. You name it, I’ve probably done it wrong. But, through trial, error and lots of excellent books by my side, I’ve kept trying until it’s right.

I have a particular affinity for sweet things – however, as much as I love a delicate cupcake, there’s not much in the world a big plate of lamb shanks and mash won’t fix. I’ll be trying to post a mix of savoury and sweet creations, depending on what’s available, what’s in season and honestly, what I feel like eating J

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